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Border Research Library

The university library of the European University Viadrina has a substantial inventory of literature concerning the subject of B/ORDERS IN MOTION. Building on already existing holdings, 200,000 euros from the EFRE Fund of the state of Brandenburg have been used to acquire more than 1,000 monographs, around 260 e-books, a total of seven databases and four e-journals. Further expansion of the library's holdings is planned.

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Access to the books in the Border Research Library is possible via the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION website and also directly via the OPAC der Uni­ver­sitäts­bi­blio­thek. You can search within the Border Research Library by going to the "Erweiterte Suche" of the OPAC of the University Library and selecting the "Sondersammlung B/ORDERS IN MOTION".

The books can be borrowed in accordance with the standard lending procedures of the University Library.

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