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Researching Digital Borders – Taking Stock, Challenges and New Directions of Research

Panel Conveners

Silvan Pollozek
Science & Technology Studies Group
European New School of Digital Studies
European University Viadrina
Nina Amelung
Instituto de Ciências Sociais
Universidade de Lisboa

The Call

Since more than a decade digital borders and the datafication of European migration and border control has become an extensively studied field of research. At the intersection of critical migration and border, security, surveillance, and science and technology studies, a vibrant research community has emerged. This panel introduces, takes stock, and looks beyond the current state of the art of research on digital borders and the datafication of European migration and border control. By inviting scholars who contributed to the development of the research field and know the research community well, this panel aims to map out prominent trajectories and current challenges of research. It will outline blind spots and gaps and discuss promising directions of research that in Donna Haraway’s sense continue to 'stay with the trouble'.

Among other things, this panel may discuss about

  • EU databases, tech-maintenance institutions, and interoperability initiatives
  • rationalities of biometric and algorithmic borders
  • digital borders in post-colonial constellations
  • data justice, transparency, and accountability
  • datafication and autonomy of migration


Please send an abstract (300-400 words) and a short bios of the presenter (affiliation, academic background) to: (tba)
Deadline for sending abstracts: 10/31/2022