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 On 1 December 2018 the project publication was published:

Artur Kopka, Dorota Piontek, Michael Minkenberg (ed.)

„Doradztwo polityczne i lobbing w parlamentarnym procesie decyzyjnym. Polska i Niemcy w perspektywie porównawczej" (Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Parliamentary Decision-Making Process. Poland and Germany in the Comparative Perspective).

Kraków: ToC.

The publication is available for download as an e-book through the following link:

 PL-Version  DE-Version

Supported by means of the “Viadrina Centers for Graduate Studies”, on June 26 2018 a workshop took place at the Europe-University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) Collegium Polonicum in Slubice regarding the topic ”Knowledge is Power‘: Boundaries of Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process”. Participants of the project meeting were German and Polish scientists, who are involved as cooperation partners regarding the research project, directed by Prof. Michael Minkenberg and Dr. Artur Kopka.

Detailed report below in German:

Bericht zum Workshop im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts:
„‘Wissen ist Macht‘: Grenzen der Politikberatung und des Lobbyismus im politischen Entscheidungsprozess“ Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 26. Juni 2018

Mit finanzieller Unterstützung des „Viadrina Centers for Graduate Studies“ fand am 26. Juni 2018 an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) / Collegium Polonicum in Słubice eine Projekttagung zum Thema: „‘Wissen ist Macht‘: Grenzen der Politikberatung und des Lobbyismus im politischen Entscheidungsprozess“ statt. An der Veranstaltung nahmen deutsche und polnische WissenschaftlerInnen teil, die in das von Prof. Michael Minkenberg und mir geleiteten Forschungsprojekts als Projektpartner involviert sind. Das Forschungsvorhaben wird vom Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politik der EUV in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fakultät für Politikwissenschaften und Journalismus der Adam-Mickiewicz Universität in Poznań durchgeführt und von der Deutsch-Polnischen Wissenschaftsstiftung gefördert. An diesem wissenschaftlichen Projekt sind neben den Hauptprojektpartnern auch die Technische Universität Dresden, die Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, die Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften, die Universität Warschau sowie die Niederschlesische Hochschule in Wrocław beteiligt.    

An der Tagung nahmen folgende Projektpartner teil:
Prof. Dr. habil. Dorota Piontek, AMU, Lehrstuhl für Gesellschaftliche Kommunikation,
Prof. Dr. habil. Jarosław Jańczak, AMU WNPiD / EUV, Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät,
Dr. Artur Kopka, EUV, Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaften,
Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek, EUV, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien,
Dr. habil. Agnieszka Cianciara, Institut für Politikwissenschaften der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Dr. Dorota Stasiak, Institut für transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung / zuvor Hertie School of Governance,
Dr. Bartłomiej Biskup, Fakultät für Journalismus und Politikwissenschaften
der Universität Warschau,
Dr. Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Journalismus der Niederschlesischen Hochschule in Wrocław,
Thomas Moskal, MA, wiss. Hilfskraft im WiM-Projekt.

Am Anfang des Workshops berichtete Dr. Kopka zunächst über den aktuellen Stand der im Rahmen des Projekts vorgenommen Untersuchungen. Anschließend sind einige organisatorische Fragen zu klären gewesen. Daraufhin bedankte sich Dr. Kopka bei den anwesenden Konferenzteilnehmern für die rege Teilnahmebereitschaft für das Politologie-Panel zum Thema: „Entwicklung der Politikberatung und des Lobbyismus als Ausdruck der Professionalisierung der Politik“ am 18. – 20. September 2018 im polnischen Lublin, bei dem die Projektergebnisse der Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft vorgestellt und diskutiert werden sollen. Darüber hinaus wurden die anwesenden ProjektteilnehmerInnen über den aktuellen Stand bezüglich der geplanten Abschlusskonferenz in Kenntnis gesetzt. So bestätigten bereits mehrere WissenschaftlerInnen aus dem europäischen Ausland ihre Teilnahme. Frau Prof. Piontek wies, nach ihrer Präsentation der Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung des „Expertenkultur“-Konzepts in der anschließenden offenen Fragerunde, noch einmal darauf hin, dass das Projekt von vornherein auf zwei Beinen stand, um für die Projektdurchführung erforderliche empirische Datenerhebung zu ermöglichen. So ist neben dem analytischen Teil, der am 26. Oktober 2018 der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wird, auch der didaktische Teil hervorzuheben, der von Dr. Kopka an der EUV sowie von Dr. Biskup der Universität Warschau und von Prof. Piontek an der AMU Poznań erfolgreich durchgeführt wurde.

Im zweiten Schritt wurde der von Prof. Patzelt eingeschickte Text zum Thema: „Politikberatung und ihre Legitimität“ kurz präsentiert und erläutert sowie in der Runde als die theoretische Grundlage der vergleichenden Analyse diskutiert. Im Anschließend brachte Prof. Jańczak den anwesenden Teilnehmern sein Konzept des Grenzbegriffs und seine Operationalisierung näher. So ist der Begriff zunächst zuvorderst in der Geographie verwendet worden, um territoriale Abgrenzungen durchführen zu können. Der Grenzbegriff soll allerdings auch Einzug in die Sozialwissenschaften finden. Demnach sind vier verschiedene Formen von Grenzen definiert, welche der empirischen Analyse der Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und Polen hinsichtlich der Grauzonen zwischen wiss. Politikberatung und dem Lobbyismus zugrunde gelegt werden. Das vorgestellte Grenzkonzept soll darüber hinaus den am Projekt beteiligten Autorinnen und Autoren dazu dienen, die beiden Begriffe differenziert analysieren zu können.

Im Rahmen der beiden folgenden Teile der Tagung wurden von den Projektteilnehmern die bisher in den dafür etablierten Forschungsteams ausgearbeitete Forschungsergebnisse präsentiert und gemeinsam diskutiert. Die Tagung stellte für alle Beteiligten eine sehr gute Gelegenheit dar, sich über ihre Projektergebnisse im Kontext der geplanten Publikation auszutauschen und dabei auftretende Problemstellungen detailliert erörtern zu können. So profitierten alle Konferenzteilnehmer gegenseitig von dem intensiven Wissenstransfer und ihrem Erfahrungsschatz bei der bisherigen Realisierung wissenschaftlicher Projekte. Sowohl die einzelnen Vorträge als auch die Diskussionen zu den relevanten Aspekten der Projektrealisierung trugen damit erheblich zur organisatorischen Strukturierung sowie zur inhaltlichen Weiterentwicklung des Forschungsprojekts bei.

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During the winter semester 2017/2018, project seminars took place for the third time at the three partner universities (EUV, AMU, UW) with common workshops and field trips. 18 students from Poland and Germany participated in the cross-border project.

Studienreisen und Workshop-Bericht (de)

On Monday, 19 June 2017 the public presentation of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, the presentation of the poster as well as an informal workshop of the research groups took place. Within the event, the different concepts of the project were presented through a poster.

Details in German below



Der Workshop am Nachmittag verfolgte darüber hinaus folgende Ziele:

1) Inhaltliche und forschungspraktische Berührungspunkte unter den Projekten zu eruieren,

2) Vereinbarungen zu konkreten Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen einzelnen Projekten zu treffen, z.B. gemeinsame Publikationen,

3) Die Planungen für die zweite Jahreshälfte 2017 und 2018 aufeinander abzustimmen,

4) Gemeinsame Treffen und Veranstaltungen konkret zu planen,

5) Die Überlegungen zur Perspektive des Centers als Ganzes im Rahmen der universitären Strategie/Profilierung, insbesondere zu einem Folgeantrag für das Center, weiterzuführen.

Die Moderation des Workshops wurde von Herr Dr. Christian Hochmuth (Institut für Konfliktmanagement) übernommen.

Report on the project seminars, summer semester of 2017  (15.06.2017)

During the summer semester of 2017, project seminars took place at the three partner universities (EUV, AMU, UW) with common workshops and field trips. 18 students from Poland and Germany participated in the cross-border project.

Studienreisen und Workshop-Bericht (de)

Sprawozdanie z wyjazdów studyjnych oraz warsztatów (pl)

Supported by means of the “Viadrina Centers for Graduate Studies”, on April 7th a conference regarding the topic ”Knowledge is Power‘: Boundaries of Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process” took place at the Europe-University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) on the 26 and 27 October. The participants were:

Prof. Dr. Dorota Piontek, AMU, Institute for Press systems and Press law

Dr. Artur Kopka, EUV, Institute for comparative Political Science

Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek, EUV, Center for Interdisciplinary Poland Studies

Dr. Agnieszka Cianciara, Institute for Political Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Monika Sus, Hertie School of Governance (participated via online-conference)

Dr. Dorota Stasiak, former Hertie School of Governance

Dr. Jarosław Jańczak, EUV, European Studies/AMU, Institute for Social- and Economic Policy

Dr. Bartłomiej Biskup, UW, faculty for Journalism and Political Science

Dr. Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz, University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw/PL, Faculty for Social Sciences and Journalism

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In the summer semester of 2017, for the second time at all three partner universities (EUV, AMU, UW) seminars will take place regarding the topic “legitimacy of political consulting in the parliamentarian work in a German-Polish comparative perspective”.



In the Winter semester of 2016/2017, at all three partner universities (EUV, AMU, UW) parallel seminars took place regarding the topic “Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process in a German-Polish comparative perspective”, with common workshops and field trips. 20 students from Germany and Poland participated in the cross-border seminar. In the course of the semester, an overall of 35 qualitative interviews were held with Polish and German members of Parliament.

Studienreisen- und Workshop-Bericht (de)

Sprawozdanie z wyjazdów studyjnych oraz warsztatów (pl)


On 24 March 2017, Dr. Artur Kopka presented the overall concept of the research project within the congressional section 1: “transnational horizons, national exclusion and political boundaries”.



Supported by means fo the “Viadrina Centers for Graduate Studies”, a conference regarding the topic ”Knowledge is Power‘: Boundaries of Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process” took place at the Europe-University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) on the 26 and 27 October. The participants were:

Prof. Dr. Dorota Piontek, AMU, Institute for Press systems and Press law

Prof. Dr. Werner Patzelt, TU Dresden, Institue for Political Systems and System comparison

Dr. Artur Kopka, EUV, Institute for comparative Political Science

Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek, EUV, Center for Interdisciplinary Poland Studies

Dr. Dorota Stasiak, Hertie School of Governance

Dr. Jarosław Jańczak, EUV, European Studies/AMU, Institute for Social- and Economic Policy

Dr. Bartłomiej Biskup, UW, faculty for Journalism and Political Science

Dr. Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz, University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw/PL, Faculty for Social Sciences and Journalism


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In the winter semester of 2016/2017, at all three partner universities (EUV, AMU, UW) parallel sessions took place regarding the topic “Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process in a German-Polish comparative perspective”



On the 10th and 11th December 2015 the second workshop took place at the Collegium Polonicum in Slubice/PL in regard of the research project ”Knowledge is Power‘: Boundaries of Political Consulting and Lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process”. The cooperation partners come from the Europe-University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), the Adam Mickiewicz-University in Poznan/PL, the University Warsaw and the University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw/PL.
The goal of the two-day workshop was to discuss its ongoing organizational proceeding as well as discussing the further development of the contentual project approach.



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In the framework of the research program Viadrina Center "B/Orders in Motion“ the second workshop of the project coordinated by Artur Kopka will take place on 9 Dec. 2015.

After a very successful and fruitful workshop in May 2015, the second workshop will follow. The progress, development and organization of the project will be discussed in the presence of the project partners.

Ms. Stasiak PhD, (Hertie School of Governance Berlin) will present the approaches and experiences she made with her research project “Patterns of Economic Policy Advice in Germany and in the USA”.

Mr. Jakup Stauber from Charles University in Prague will present the project 'Policy-Related Expertise in Czech Political Parties'.

At the end, a panel discussion in cooperation with the project "Science for Democracy“ regarding the topic “International research on epistemic communities“ will follow.


The Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION presented the third Digital Research Factory on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 4.30pm in Stepahan-Saal (PG 257). The third Digital Research Factory focussed on digitalisation and data management plans.The program includes a presentation of the Digitale Wissensplattform B/ORDER STUDIES which was launched successfully in April 2015, and a guest lecture about the chances and challenges of Open Access. The B/ORDERS IN MOTION Team aim to explain the introduction into the usage possibilities and features of the virtual research platform.

After that Dr. Artur Kopka, who manages the research project "'Knowledge is Power': The Boundaries of political consulting and lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process" talked about his experiences about the implementation of the online presentation of his project.
Afterwards Dr. Markus Neuschäfer of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany lectured about "Open Access and Open Sciences as a chance in modern science."

At the end the B/ORDERS IN MOTION team invited a discussion about the plattform B/ORDER STUDIES. The aim of the discussion was to generate new ideas for the further development of the B/ORDERS IN MOTION projects, as well as cooperations by the implementation of digital plans. Dr. Georg Zimemrmann and Kamil Nowakowski, director and employee of the IKMZ, offered their expertise.

Transcript of the Workshop on 05.30.2015, from 10:00 to 17:00.

Research project:

"'Knowledge is Power': The Boundaries of political consulting and lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process"

Organized by the Chair of Comparative Political Science of the Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)


On May 30th, 2015 the first workshop of the project "'Knowledge is Power': The Boundaries of political consulting and lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process" took place in Slubice. The goal of this workshop was to discuss the organizational and contentful aspects of the project in addition to coordinating further cooperation with the partners involved.

Dr. Artur Kopka (EUV), the overall coordinator of the project, chose the Collegium Polonicum as the location for the workshop. The Collegium Polonicum is a research facility which is based on a joint effort of the Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (EUV) and the Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznan (AMU). Slubice is located at the border between Germany and Poland, which appropriately reflects the trans-border cooperation of this project. The partners of the project participating in this workshop; Prof. Dr. Dorota Piontek (AMU), Dr. Jaroslaw Janczak (AMU/EUV), Dr. Bartłomiej Biskup (UW) and Dr. Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz (NHW), arrived here from Poland whereas Dr. Artur Kopka (EUV) and Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek (ZIP/EUV) arrived to represent the German fraction of the project.

Dr. Artur Kopka opened the workshop. After the greeting, Kopka introduced the timeline for the application process of project promotion. In addition, he presented the projects organizational conditions by summarizing the most important research approaches of the project. Ultimately, the participants specifically discussed the concept of ‘the culture of experts' and the theory of ‘economic ordering' as proposed groundwork on which to base their research.

Next, Dr. Jarosław Jańczak (AMU/EUV), whose focus of the project lies on concepts of limitation, postulated the differentiations between the types of existing limitations. To illustrate perspectives on issues of limitation, research shall focus on analyzing the factors which lead to differentiations between political advice based in political science and research from lobbyism.

Furthermore, the research specifics of the projects individual parts were discussed, which are to be edited by the participants.

Later on Prof. Dr. hab. Dorota Piontek (AMU) presented her conceptual ideas on the following subject: Political advisement and lobbyism in the democracy of media: mediatization of political decision making processes with the example of Germany and Poland. Taken in comparative perspective, Piontek's planned analysis will focus on how the media can serve as a source of ‘expert knowledge' in politics as well as a source of informal lobbyism. The outcome of this analysis will present the correlation between concrete political decisions and the expert knowledge spread by the media throughout specific faculties.  If there is a significant correlation, the analysis will also document to which degree politicians relied on the information supplied by the expert knowledge of the media.

Individual cooperation between the German and Polish researchers will be executed through tandem-teamwork. That means, one German-speaking researcher will work in combination with a polish partner on every part of the project.

Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek (ZIP/EUV) and Dr. Bartłomiej Biskup (UW) will focus on the basis of political advisement and lobbyism in German vs Polish comparative. In addition they will also work on as a tandem team on the developments of political advisement and the relationship between ‘policy consulting' and ‘policy advice', once again taking Germany and Poland into comparative.

Working as a second tandem-team, Dr. Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz (NHW) and Dr. Artur Lipiński (AMU) are set to analyze the role of NGOs in political decision making processes in regards to the hereby known differences between Germany and Poland's political advisement and lobbyism.

The workshops first meeting for the project served as a successful platform of dialog and stimulated fruitful discussions.

The second workshop of the project "'Knowledge is Power': Limits of political advisement and lobbyism in the political decision making process" is expected to take place September of 2015.


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On May 30, 2015 a scientific workshop will take place in the Collegium Polonium/Slubice in the framework of the research program Viadrina Center „B/Orders in Motion“. The content of the workshop was a discussion about the approach of the project 'Knowledge is Power': The Boundaries of political consulting and lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process“. The workshop is organized by the Chair of Comparative Politics, European Universtiy Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) in cooperation with the Faculty for Political Sciences and Journalism of the Adam Mickiweicz University in Poznan.

The following institutions that will be represented at the workshop:

  • European Universtiy Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Chair of Comparative Politics
Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies
Master of Arts  in European Studies

  • Faculty for Political Sciences and Journalism of the Adam Mickiweicz University in Poznan

Chair for press systems and press law
Chair for political systems

  • Technical University Dresden

Chair for political systems

  • Faculty for Journalism and Political Sciences of the University Warsaw
  • Faculty for Social Sciences and Journalism of the University of Lower Silesia


On Monday Feb 9, 2015 Artur Kopka presented the research project "'Knowledge is Power': The Boundaries of political consulting and lobbying in the Political Decision-Making Process" in the framework of the Kick-off workshop organized by the department for research and young researchers.

The aim he aim of the workshop consisted in offering a communicative exchange and consulting about potential third-party funding in the presence of the management of the Center as well as the department for research and young researchers. They provided their expertise in order to support the applicants.

The team of the department for research and young researchers presented various funding programs with important indications for the application. The workshop ended with a discussion, in which all "B/Orders in Motion" projects were invited.



On 26th October 2018, an international conference was held at Collegium Polonicum in Słubice to present and discuss the research results of the WiM project. More information about the event can be found on the conference homepage: