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Topics and Panels

The following questions will guide the focus of the conference panels:

  • How are social, national, and supranational orders in their de-, ex-, and re-territorialized borders connected to social, symbolic, and temporal border demarcations? What (new) mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion are discernible, what subject positions are formed here?
  • What are the social fields and the discourses in which new forms of boundary-drawing and border-making are taking place, what actors are involved in these processes, and what interdependencies can be observed?
  • What is the role of the digitalization of borders, and how does it transform mechanisms of in- and exclusion?
  • How is territoriality transformed in new border-making and border-crossing practices in 21st century borders?
  • What is the role of civil society for 21st century borders, and how is it shaped and impacted by borders and symbolic boundaries?
  • What kind of ‚grey zones‘ and liminal spaces emerge alongside and in the context of 21st century borders? What insights do they offer concerning contradictions but also the emergence and contestation of new social and cultural orders?
  • How could 21st century borders be transformed in more just and equitable ways? What social and legal conditions can foster convivial dwelling and mobility for a diverse global population?

The Panels


Wed, September 06, 2023

Stream: Social, Symbolic and Discursive B/Orders

Stream: Territorial, Geopolitical an Material B/Orders

Thu, September 07, 2023

Stream: Social, Symbolic and Discursive B/Orders

Stream: Territorial, Geopolitical an Material B/Orders

Fri, September 08, 2023

Stream: Social, Symbolic and Discursive B/Orders

Stream: Migration in a B/Orders Perspective

Organized by

Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

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In Cooperation with:


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This Conference draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.