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Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick, Dr. Rita Vallentin - Digital Manospheres - Insights from student-led research projects - Research Factory B/ORDERS IN MOTION

08.07.2024 16:15

08.07.2024 17:45

HG 109 (Senatssaal)

Digital Manospheres - Insights from student-led research projects
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick, Dr. Rita Vallentin

Reihe ‚Discursive Boundaries‘ in der Research Factory

Digital manospheres are online communities and spaces organized around issues of men, masculinity and gender roles. In this Research Factory, students of the seminar "Digital Manospheres - Intersectional Perspectives on Discourses, Practices and Hierarchies" will present first results of their collaborative research endeavors. The student projects will critically engage with the linguistic and sociological dimensions of these digital manospheres and shed light on their dominant discourses, practices and reproduced hierarchies.

Diese Veranstaltung ist geöffnet für Mitglieder der EUV und des Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.



Reihe ‘Discursive Boundaries’ in der Research Factory