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Dr. Amelie Kutter - The pandemic normal and the borderland. Discourses of Covid-19 and the reconfiguration of political subjects. Presentation of the 2024 CADAAD special issue - Research Factory B/ORDERS IN MOTION

08.05.2024 16:15

08.05.2024 17:45

Hybrid: HG 109 (Senatssaal) & online

The pandemic normal and the borderland. Discourses of Covid-19 and the reconfiguration of political subjects. Presentation of the 2024 CADAAD special issue
Presentation: Dr. Amelie Kutter (Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, EUV)
Moderation: PD Dr. Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (B/ORDERS IN MOTION, EUV)

The Covid-19 pandemic changed our normalised ways of being, including our imagining and doing of politics. This session of the Research Factory introduces to the forthcoming CADAAD special issue ‘Discourses of Covid-19 and the political’, co-edited by Amelie Kutter, Christiane Barnickel and Elena Dück. It foregrounds two case studies that reveal that pandemic crisis management not only reinforced territorial borders, but also enhanced self-responsible, national-territorial subjects as privileged holders of citizenship. The session kicks off a series of events on ‘discursive boundary drawing’ in the Research Factory. Authors of the special issue explore whether and how normalised socio-political orders and subjectivities were re-imagined and re-configured during the pandemic, drawing on examples from Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Ghana, Estonia and the German-Polish border region. The studies scrutinise government speeches, public broadcasting programmes, social media as well as practices of workers in sectors qualified as ‘essential’ or ‘non-essential’ by pandemic management, so as to ascertain how these genres and artefacts of discourse affirm or dissolve certain political authorities, groups and identities.


More details can be found on the CADAAD journal website from May 2024 on.

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines Journal



Reihe ‘Discursive Boundaries’ in der Research Factory