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EU COST Action "Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control (DATAMIG)

Bewilligt: COST-Action DATAMIG


With great pleasure we share the good news that with the help of many people, a consortium with the participation of the Viadrina University has been granted funding for the EU COST Action on "Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control (DATAMIG)”. It is about migration and border control, borders, and new technologies/datafication. This is a four year funding scheme for network activities (organising workshops, training schools, conferences) and for different outputs (teaching materials, a repository for different method approaches, a website about border monitoring initiatives etc.). Prof. Aristotle Tympas as the main proposer handed our proposal in - and it got through.


1) This has been a truly collaborative endeavour and demonstrates how relevant the collective work of this community/network is. The lead of the initiative took Aristotle Tympas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens/European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)), together with his Athens team who helped in many ways with the preparation of the proposal (Vasilis Argyriou, Thomas S., Kornilia P., Antonis F.). The core writing team has been Silvan Pollozek (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)), Arely Cruz-Santiago (University of Exeter), Nina Amelung (University of Lisbon) and Vasilis Galis (IT University Copenhagen), proposal reviewers and commentators were Claudia Aradau (King’s College London), Amade M’Charek (University of Amsterdam), Matthias Wienroth (Northumbria University), Stephan Scheel (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Torsten Voigt (RWTH Aachen), and Matthias Leese (ETH Zurich).


Secondary Proposers were (ordered by countries):



Dr Fredy Alberto Mora Gamez (University of Vienna [Faculty of Social Sciences]) 



Prof Nicos Trimikliniotis (Symfiliosi) 


Czech Republic 

Dr Zuzana Uhde (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology - Institute of Sociology CAS [Gender and Sociology]) 



Dr Vasilis Galis (IT University of Copenhagen [Business & IT]) 

Dr Martin Bak Jørgensen (Aalborg Univerity - Aalborg University [Culture & Learning ]) 



Prof Anu Masso (Tallinn University of Tecnology)


Finland Prof Ilpo Helén (University of Eastern Finland - University of Eastern Finland [Department of Social Sciences]) 



Dr Silvan Pollozek (European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder - European New School of Digital Studies / member of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION) 

Prof Vassilis Tsianos (Kiel University of Applied Sciences) 

Dr Bernd Kasparek (Humboldt-University Berlin [Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research]) 

Prof Stephan Scheel (Leuphana University Lüneburg [Institute of Sociology ]) 

Prof Torsten Voigt (RWTH Aachen University [Institute of Sociology])

Prof Brigitta Kuster (Humboldt-University zu Berlin) 




Dr Olga Lafazani (National Hellenic Research Foundation [Institute of Hisotrical Research])

Dr Manolis Simos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [Department of History and Philosophy of Science ]) 

Dr Katerina Vlantoni (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [Department of History and Philosophy of Science])

Dr Christos Kouroutzas (University of the Aegean - University of the Aegean [Department of Sociology]) 

Dr Ioulia Mermigka (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [Digital Arts and Cinema Department]) 



Dr Olga Usachova (University of Padova [PASTIS]) 



Prof Birte Nienaber (Université du Luxembourg) 



Prof Amade M'charek (Universiteit van Amsterdam) 



Dr Robert Rydzewski (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu - Adam Mickiewicz University [Center for Migration Studies ]) 



Dr Nina Amelung (Universidade de Lisboa [Instituto de Ciências Sociais]) 

Dr Gaia Giuliani (Centro de Estudos Sociais - University of Coimbra - University of Coimbra [Centro de Estudos Sociais ]) 

Ms Susana Ferreira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Instituto Português de Relaçoes Internacionais) 

Dr Filipa Queirós (Centre for Social Studies [Centre for Social Studies]) 



Dr Irina Culic (Universitatea Babes-Bolyai - Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai [Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala])

Mr Stevan Tatalovic (Info Park) 



Dr Mojca Pajnik (The Peace Institute) 



Dr Karin Krifors (Linköping University - Karin Krifors [REMESO])



Dr Matthias Leese (ETH Zurich - Department of Humanities, Political and Social Sciences 



Dr Cenk Saraçoğlu (Ankara University [Department of Journalism])

Dr Sibel Karadag (Kadir Has University [Political Science and Public Administration ]) 


United Kingdom 

Dr Arely Cruz-Santiago (University of Exeter [Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology]) 

Dr Matthias Wienroth (University of Northumbria [Social Sciences])

Dr Claudia ARADAU (King's College London [War Studies]) 

Dr Gavin Sullivan (The University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh Law School, The University of Edinburgh [Law])

Prof Debbie Lisle (Queen's University Belfast) 


2) How can you participate?

  • Read the Project Description MoU
  • Inform the Main Proposer/Chair of your interest with the subject "participation / working group 1 or/and 2 or/and 3" (email)
  • Apply to join your Working Groups of interest


If you have additional questions please get in touch with Prof. Tympas: , always indicating COST ACTION DATAMIG - WORKING GROUPS as subject please.